Tuesday, September 30, 2008

find me a man like this

One that will build me a chair.
And let me walk his dog.
Seriously. I am so obsessed with this character and everything he encompasses. Whoever dreamt up Aidan must have taken a page right from my "Who I Want To Marry" diary. It sounds so silly to say that about a fictional character, but it's true! It doesn't help that I am so overly attached to this show.

Those who know me, know that I am not the sappy, head over heels type. I'm the kind of person that tells you she's going to puke because you're being too cute. So don't get the wrong idea, people. But if you find this man anywhere you ought to tell him that I am his soulmate. Seriously.

In other news, the "Next Blog" feature on this thing is pretty amazing. No joke. I just played with it for like an hour last night and ran into some really awesome blogs. Random ones you would never read on a normal day. Try it out for yourself.

"i know my life could be better. .

...i just don't know where i should begin
she said write me a song
one that makes all the girls cry
and the old woman swoon
at the sound of my toon
and the hearts of the lonely could fly"

this song goes out to you. whoever you are.

and i swear i might marry whoever knows this song and loves it as much as me.

the way you do the things you do

Someone buy me this dress. Or get someone to make it for me. I am so serious. My obsession with skittles is a little silly right now. I just can't explain it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

where the light is

I know that I am by no means the only person on this planet that thinks John Mayer is a brilliant magician musician. Yeah, that's right, magician musician. And since I started working at best buy, this DVD has been playing nonstop in our display TV upfront. Unfortunately, I don't get to watch too often but I do get to listen almost all day long. This is the rare CD that I can listen to all day without getting sick of it. Sure, the same CD sits in my car for months but rarely do I go 8 hours straight, listening. With this album, I can.

His voice is just so dreamy. I can't handle it! And of course he's only grown in attractiveness over the years. I'm totally digging the brooding, black clothed mess he's become in public. This is one musician I would just love to sit and talk with for an hour. Beyond all the media bullshit. Just get down to it, person to person. I feel like he might be brilliant.

Anyway. That is the extent of my blog tonight. Amazing first post, I know. I don't know what I'm going to write here. Maybe some of my own writing. Maybe I"ll post about stuff I'm in love with listening to. Politics, maybe. Or I could tell you all about how I'm watching THS Investigates "Children of God Cult." This shit is a little crazy and creeping me out. How do people do this? You'd have to be certifiably insane to do some of this stuff, or be convinced to believe this junk. That could lead me into a whole rant about organized religion and why it's that cult mentality that breeds religious fanatics and hate in our world. But I won't.

It's 1:33am. Only... 5 hours to go of work. Yay? I guess time is going by pretty okay right now. But I'm sure around 430 I will start to drag. Once the girls get up and start getting ready, I'm sure I'll be okay again. Hopefully my movie finishes downloading soon!!